
Is your thumb not green? Not even close? Try a Cacti or Succulent. They are easier to take care of than many other plants and can survive a long time with no water whatsoever. All Cacti are succulents and succulents are plants with some parts that are thick and fleshy for water retention. In appreciation for all those without the proverbial "Green Thumb" and because they are so unique and beautiful, we try to offer a variety of succulents. Every year we add a few new ones to the mix to complement and add to your existing collection.   Listed below are the Succulents/Cacti we are offering this year:

Aloe Vera - Full

Burro's-Tail - Partial/Bright Shade

Crassula Campfire - Full

Coryphantha Andreae - Bright, Indirect Light

Delosperma Peridot "Iceplant" - Full

Echevaria Mixed - Full-Shade

Hawortha Limifolia Twist - Full

Hawortha Radula - Full

Kalanchoe Tomentosa Nigra - Full

Kalanchoe - Full


Sedum Creeping Mixed - Full-Shade

Sempervivum Mixed "Hen & Chicks"  - Full/Partial

Senecio String of Dolphins - Full/Partial